Celebrate the Kids: Steps to Make Their Day Special
We love to celebrate birthdays, holidays, and school breaks with the girls living in the residential treatment center. You can help by assembling everything needed. Follow these simple instructions to help make a day special for a survivor.
STEP 1: Decide and Gather
Decide which holiday or event you are going to provide items for and gather all the materials. Quantities are noted below, depending on if they will be for smaller groups, or the entire group of 12 girls plus 1 staff member. Thank you for your support!
Activity Kits
- New board games (must be wrapped in plastic). Uno, Spot It, Even Stevens’ Odd, NADA, Clue, and Twister are some examples.
- Coloring pages and markers or crayons – no colored pencils, please.
- DVD of a recently released PG-rated movie.
- 13 individually wrapped microwave butter popcorn.
- Snacks – must be individually wrapped, store-bought, nonperishable. Ritz Sandwich crackers, Goldfish, Granola Bars, etc.
- Box of cupcakes or brownie mix. You do not need to include pans but should include things like paper baking cups if you select cupcake mix. No peanut butter or nuts, please.
- Sprinkles, frosting, candles.
- Paper plates, cups, and napkins for 12.
- Balloons.
- No streamers please—we have lots already.
- A sheet of colorful paper and stickers that kids can use to make a birthday sign. We have markers.
- Birthday gift ideas: devotional for teens. Kali fuzzy flip flop slippers (size 9/L), journal, teen fiction book, card games like Spot It, Emojinks, SmackIt or Uno, MadLibs, adult coloring book, 100 piece puzzle.
- Individually wrapped, nonperishable snacks or candy. No bubble gum and no lollipops, please.
NOTE: For safety, we cannot give the kids something we have not verified is appropriate for them. So, please do not wrap any gifts.
- For this kit you may donate 12 of each item, or, you can focus on creating a kit for 2-3 kids per kit.
- Journals - soft cover lined paper journals, cannot be spiral, must be staple binding. Composition book school supply style is ideal.
- Things to decorate the covers – washy tape, stickers, alphabet stickers, etc.
- Bible highlighters - please no colored pencils, markers or anything like that as we are fully stocked on those!
- Individually wrapped snacks (no nuts).
- It’s very important we are able to offer the same bible for our optional bible studies. We use Live: Holy Bible NLT paperback. You can find the bible we use here.
Prep materials for the kids to make a collage! Include items such as:
- Construction paper (1 pack)
- 5 x 7 canvas boards or small poster boards (13 boards)
- Paper mache boxes (13 boxes: optional - example here)
- 4-6 Glue sticks
- Washi tape (1 pack with multiple rolls)
- Various flat stickers (please no 3D stickers or embellishments)
- 2 packs of paint markers
- AND the kids favorite part - cut out pictures from the magazines! When you're cutting from magazines, think bright, colorful, and anything a teen would like. It can be words, objects, scenery. The kids we serve love decorating with them and your time cutting saves our team prep work!
*Please do not include 3D items. All collage material must be paper-like.
- 2 crochet hooks
- 2 balls of yarn (must be new, store-bought, sealed in original wrapping)
- crochet design book
- scripture card or inspiring quote
- individually wrapped, store-bought candy (no nuts)
- individual juice boxes or capri suns
- PG-13 rated DVD
- Gift card for a fast-food restaurant, or nonperishable microwavable dinner for two (mac and cheese or other pasta cups are excellent choices)
- Plastic utensils
- Microwave popcorn
- Candy without nuts
- Bottled drinks (prefer low sugar juice, gatorade, or juice boxes)
New Year’s Eve, Valentines, Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Halloween, or Thanksgiving. (There are already arrangements in place for Christmas.)
- Dorm room door decorations, craft projects, games, snacks must be store-bought, nonperishable, and individually wrapped, Holiday themed devotional. Plan for 12 girls.
Note: For all craft projects, please pre-cut all components as no scissors are allowed in the residential center. Please provide everything necessary to complete the project—tape, markers, glue, etc.
1 microwave-safe coffee mug with an inspirational saying, 1 hot chocolate mix package, 1 tablespoon, sprinkles, mini chocolate chips, and recipe instructions. Scented candle, scripture verse card or inspirational quote, individually wrapped, store-bought candy (no nuts), bottled drink.
- 1 book-sized blank (nonspiral bound, journal)
- a set of colored markers or pens
- colorful stickers
- set of washi tape
- stencils, white eraser, pencil bag
- scented candle
- scripture verse card or inspirational quote
- individually wrapped store-bought candy or snack (no nuts)
- low sugar bottled drink
Face wash, exfoliate, face lotion, 2 face masks, 2 face washcloths, 2 hand towels, 2 tweezers, 2 small hand mirrors, scented candle, individually wrapped, store-bought candy (no nuts), bottled drink.
2–3 bottles of nail polish (multicolors, the brighter, the better. They love sparkles and fun colors!). Nail stickers, 2–3 cardboard nail files, hand scrub, a package of cotton balls, a small package of Q-tips, individually wrapped polish remover pads, 2 hand towels, scented candle, individually wrapped, store-bought candy (no nuts), bottled drink.
Pedicure toe dividers, 2–3 bottles of nail polish (multicolors, the brighter, the better. They love sparkles and fun colors!). 1 toe scrub brush, foot scrub, a package of cotton balls, a small package of Q-tips, individually wrapped polish remover pads, lotion, fuzzy socks, 2 hand towels, scented candle, individually wrapped, store-bought candy (no nuts), bottled drink.

STEP 2: Pray
Once you’ve gathered and prepared all the items, spend some time praying for the Ascent 121 girls who will enjoy them. You are welcome to write a message of encouragement to include in the box, but please do not seal the envelope(s).
STEP 3: Package
- Please place all items in a small, clear, shoebox size tote with a lid. Approximately 16 qt. tote. plastic tub.
- Label the lid with the name of the party (i.e.: Valentine's Day Party, Activity Kit, etc.).
- Include in the box a note that says what church or organization you are from and the contact information for the leader of your group.

STEP 4: Deliver
Contact [email protected] to arrange a time and location for drop-off.